guerilla seedbombs

utne‘s got some cool articles. including the one i read today about seedbomb gumball machines started by Greenaid. (read more about it)

“Seedbombs are little eco-grenades packed with seeds and compost—lob one of them into a vacant lot, cram it into a crack in the sidewalk, or leave it in a neglected public park, and in a few days watch for a green explosion of regionally-tailored wildflowers and grasses.”


as i was walking to the subway station in my neighborhood, dobong-san, i saw about 7-10 middle aged ajussi’s armed each with a palette knife looking tool all scraping off grass and weeds growing between the cracks of concrete bricks on the ground! you know, this kind of stuff:

😦 i guess they’re trying to keep the roadway clean and aesthetically pleasant, and when i asked my grandma why there aren’t as many people farming around the neighborhood, she replied that the city government doesn’t want people growing food in the city because it makes the city look ‘bad’…

but to whom?

conversation at the salon

if in the right mindset, even a haircut can segway into a very interesting conversation about sustainable living and growing cherry tomatoes in your lanai (hawaiian for veranda).

seoul, the capital of south korea, is filled with high rise apartments.

the skyline of this city consists of many a green moutains and forests of high rise apartments. any hiker would kill to come and live here. i think. as i see many middle aged and older korean ajussis and ahjoomas (korean words for men and women in the middle age-almost retired age range) wearing their well selected hiking gear and uniforms all over the city.  SAN. that’s mountain.

but overpopulation! overcrowdedness! and not enough land of course. i’m here with a mission, i think…to get people to grow more food!

so far, after some lazy research, i located ONE ‘community garden’ in the city. Songpa-gu area, where my mother’s parents live, is home to the city’s first organic garden project titled ‘sol-i tut bat 솔이텃밭‘ (i need to learn how to romanize korean words) in collaboration with seoul green trust. the project launched right before the humid summer hit korea.

i am extremely enthusiastic and excited about this. as well as the fact that my hairdresser grows peppers, cherry tomatoes and lettuce in the small veranda of her small apartment. horray!

let the green guerilla movement in seoul begin…slowly and surely.

guerrilla gardening in tokyo…